It has been a hot minute since I last posted!
So…. Like my last post said I’ve been doing some strongman – ok, like fully doing strongman. I will be competing in my first Strongman competition in July! It’s been eye-opening, challenging and completely taken me out of my comfort zone.
In the 4 weeks that I have been doing Strongman Saturdays I have;
- Had an epic allergic reaction to WD40, from my first Atlas Stone lift.
- Lifted my first Atlas Stone! Owned that shit!
- Gotten some epic bruises from log presses.
- Lifted a Log Press!! In fact PR’d that m’r f’r.
- Kicked some ass on rings for dinnie stones traning.
- Have some sweet bruises from said rings training.
- PR’d my axle press and deadlifted that bitch!
- Started using tools that I never even thought about… my gym bag is full of elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, wrist straps and it’s ok to ruin clothing.
- Currently sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Inzer to make my belt and send it here! Tired of using James!
I have done all this amazing lifting while still;
- Suffering from chronic pain.
- Suffering from kidney stones – 3 to be exact – might not have done the whole morning but PR’d two lifts through it.
- Going through flares.
Chronic Pain is just something I have been blessed with, hiding it is something I am good at and working through it to accomplish amazing things is what I excel at! I’ve lived with chronic pain for… wow I can’t remember when I didn’t have pain anymore; since before I was diagnosed.
I get told a lot that it’s inspiring, my lifting with chronic pain/going through flares/kidney stones. I think it’s one of the only things that has kept me grounded, healthier, more mobile and less sick.
Strongman is a functional lifting, it’s been less stress on the body in the movements because they are working with my body – using what movements my body has to get heavy things up and down. Yea, sometimes the weights hurt after, and the muscles hurt but they should! You don’t hit PRs without expecting a lil muscle pain!
Pain is pain – focusing on it makes it worse. Being able to lift and move is more important to me than the pain.