Covered in tacky, dust and grime… strongman competition owned! 5



Man – O – Man!  What a great weekend!! Getting to watch James compete and meet some new amazing people was so fantastic that as I sit here typing my head is still reeling!

1st things 1st, he did freaking awesome, placing 1st in his weight class!  His teammate Jordan finished 1st in his weight class AND 1st for overall lifter!  Videos of the WGE team will be posted!  ENJOY!

This my first real taste of a strongman competition, we travelled to Joplin and competed at a great gym; Midtown Strength and Fitness.  There are some super strong men and women out there!  The numbers being lifted and the things they were lifting was awesome – there was some yoke walking, log pressing, farmers walking, deadlift medleys and atlas stone throwing!

The most amazing thing to me, was the cool – laid back – full of comradery environment.  Sure I’ve competed before…. As a powerlifter…. But that’s a team of 1, yes we all cheer each other on and hate to see someone fail.

As I always yell “You’re still AWESOME”.

But it is a team of 1, I compete against my own numbers – I have headphones on and zone into what I am going to do before the lift.  It’s a strictly judged environment, heavily governed and you focus on your OWN numbers.  You hit your 1st squat… what’s your 2nd going to be… how high are you going to go up?!?

Strongman, SHOOT; your weight class determines what you are going to lift.  You are a light weight – you WILL lift this amount.  James “yoke walk”, as a light weight; was 440 lbs and it was done for time…. From one drawn chalk line to another.  The best part…. These people are seriously cool – no one is sitting in the corner zoning in for their lift.  They are laughing, cheering and just partying.  I think I actually heard someone say, Oh, it’s my turn already….

The environment, people and cool shit they get to lift is inspiring and infectious.   Seeing James throw a 200lb stone over a 4ft bar, 4 times… was seriously the coolest thing ever.

The coolest thing about this weekend though, aside from watching the great lifting; are the new friends we made.  Can’t wait for these guys to come to STL for a weekend to train with them!  I saw novice lifters with amazing stories of only started lifting 6 months ago, being determined; he made every lift.  I met an amazing fellow Lupus sufferer, who like myself; doesn’t let the word spoonie define her!  M we need to find a good term for the fellow Lupies out there who lift, live life and are bad asses!

Most of the event was held outside, with spectators walking by and checking out the event with amazement.  Adults, kids and dogs were all hanging around chilling, waiting to see what these peeps could rep out.  There were guys there who had no idea how strong they were, doing new lifts they had never done before at weights that would equal like 2 ½ of me!

By the end of the meet everyone was covered in tacky, dust and grime – smiling, laughing and hugging each other.  I’m still trying to figure out how to tackle this laundry situation for James.

When all was lifted, we went to the BEST pizza place to chill with new friends – trade war stories and create new bonds!  The best part of this day was everyone cramming into a table and celebrating each other, talking about who we all knew and really building each other up.  As I type this I think to myself, why the heck am I not lifting cool things!

I cannot thank the Midtown crew enough for their hospitality!  Great competition!  Thank you to all the spectators, athletes, coaches and pups.  I have never left a competition feeling more inspired, motivated and driven…. Missing my heavy-lifting!!

You strongmen and strongwomen were truly amazing and I can’t wait to see you guys again (in STL for a weekend of training/food/ and fun)!!

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