Don’t let beavers dam your flow… stagnant water spreads disease.. 1

_92435702_gettyimages-150943609The thing about friends, friends like family… Is that they always seem to know when you need a good kick in the pants.

This morning I got an amazing text from L, sending some great personal affirmations and positive self-talk! L inspires me and motivates me like no other. Her work-week is going to be busy but she’s completely motivated and reactivated to positivity. Why was this a kick in the pants for me? Cause I was inches away from buying a doughnut at the QT while I was getting gas because James and I were out of eggs so I didn’t get to make us breakfast.

It’s like she knew I was thinking about going back on my diet, of which; she has been helping stay accountable too.

With this kick in the pants, I started to think about where I have been lately.

I’ve been feeling stagnant lately within my workouts. The flow just hasn’t been there – and I am just going through the motions. I still go. I still workout. I still feel rejuvenated after but something is lacking. There is a piece missing.

I need a spark. I need a dam to be broken down to start the flow of the water again.

I’ve been trying to find the dam start, looking for the beavers that are stopping the flow. I’m not good with change and in the last 4 months I have switched gyms 3 times – I moved from my prior toxic gym to Golds (with James) to the rec center that was just completed within our area. (side note – it’s beautiful!)

1st beaver – started before I left the toxic gym – instead of feeling empowered I felt victimized and threatened. Uncomfortable. There was so much stagnate toxic water there, full of disease and bitie bugs. I’m not sure I have fully come back from this bad experience.

Feeling uncomfortable and victimized in my safe place – anyone’s safe place – is a red flag.

The gym is one of my most important safe places. It’s the place where I am me, comfortable in my own skin – free from my burden of chronic pain, Lupus and anxieties.

As a preacher said once;

When life seems chaotic, you don’t need people giving you easy answers or cheap promises. There might not be any answers to your problems. What you need is a safe place where you can bounce with people who have taken some bad hops of their own.

This blow of a once safe place turning into a toxic wasteland was very hard for me to wrap my mind around.

2nd beaver – Golds was a train wreak for me. Creepers, creepers, creepers. Enough said.

I need to be rejuvenated.

I need to flow again.

3rd beaver – not being able to lift heavy currently. I miss powerlifting. I miss being able to do a full squat at more than my body weight. I miss it. I miss competing. I miss the fire, the friends, the lifts, the adrenaline…..

These 3 beavers have created a dam, which I am trying to destroy.

I need to be refreshed.

My workouts are my safe place. My home and home life are my safe place. Why not combine the two?!?!

Since our house cannot support a home gym, yet; I looked at the next best thing. James! Yup – I’ve asked James to help me get reignited. It only takes 1 thing to destroy a dam. I have 2! I love our new gym, it’s a great family atmosphere which is pretty empty most of the time & my safe place James. He is going to help me get the fire back in my belly.

Between L and our positive texts that are life changing and James helping me figure out my fire I can’t lose!

If you lose your flow, find which beavers built your dam and then destroy it. Stomp on it. Stagnant water is bad for everyone, spreads disease quickly. Get your flow back. Get your groove back.

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