Crow Pose.
The amazing full body workout, it works arms and core while strengthening wrists, upper back and legs. Crow Pose stretches the upper back, helping to decrease heart burn and acidity, and increases the flexibility and elasticity of the spine.
Crow Pose also encourages body awareness and honing in on the mind-body connection while flying, in the air.
Yoga benefits so many areas, this is just one pose example of the physical and mental benefits.
My mobility and flexibility are a double edged sword. Aside from the Lupus taking away my flexibility from the awesome joint inflammation, I also have lack of mobility from muscle bulk. You see I haven’t been that smart with my mobility, I haven’t added as much stretching into my days as I should be; especially as my mobility/flexibility deteriorates.
I’m not bulky but I do gain muscle very quickly. Exercises that employ heavy weights can reduce flexibility as muscle density and mass increases. Years of powerlifting, no stretching, inflammation and joint immobility have taken away my flexibility.
I’ve started ending all my workouts with yoga, which is something I used to love. I’ve noticed my flexibility coming back and my chronic pain reducing.
If you have something particular that is bothering you, check out what poses could help strengthen what ails you!
Life goals: crows pose, handstand, pull up.