Smiling at the day, reaching my petals toward the sky.

June has been a very transitional month for me, and I apologize that I haven’t been sharing much lately.  Wrapping my head around a new schedule, and trying to fit everything in is a tad overwhelming.

Lately I have been a little weight lifting burnt out.  I just haven’t been getting the same fire in my belly that I used to when I know I am heading to the gym to lift heavy.  Instead of allowing myself to cuddle up in bed and do nothing, which is what I really want to do; I have been mixing it up and seeing where I belong again.

This is a trial and error effort.  It involves trying a bunch of different things and seeing what sticks, what excites me and what makes me want to jump in my Jeep in haul ass to the gym.

I’ve always hated cardio, so I’m trying to focus on adding more of that into my life.  7 years ago I said I would never lift weights, and well we see how far that got…. So though I say I will never be a runner or love cardio – I am going to try my hand at it.  Lately this has been sprints on the treadmill.

But I’d like to start incorporating some outdoor fun activity too, like bike riding or skating.

I’ve also been adding yoga back into my life, aside from the great flexibility it’s giving me – it’s also an amazing time to just relax and re-center.

My body can’t stay stagnate.  I feel like if I stop moving that’s when I lose, that’s when the Lupus and Anxiety will start to take over.  Exercise decreases stress, decreased stress helps keep you healthy.  My body feeds off stress, like I’ve always said; Stress = Flares.  It’s very true, lack of movement, unhealthy diet and stress increase inflammation, inflammation in this body is a recipe for disaster.  My body feeds off the inflammation – holding it and helping it – allowing it to cradle all my muscles, joints, veins and organs.

The only freedom from this outcome, as I see it; is medicating or staying as healthy as I can… so I choose healthy.  Health is Wealth, right?!  I’m not ready to commit to a medicating plan, yet!

As I’ve said before I am a Lily with unlimited possibilities, and I need to keep my body strong/healthy to keep growing.  Growing beautifully.  Smiling at the sun.

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