Today I flew. Onward and Upward – Embracing Change.

Today I flew….

I went to aerial yoga this evening, completely out of my comfort zone!  It was the most exciting, best and coolest thing I’ve ever done.  I flipped, I climbed and I cannot wait to go again!  It was a silks intro class, where I learned to control my core in the air while doing gazelle (I think) pose.  I also got to turn my world upside down, while I learned to straddle upside down and let the silks support me.

I learned so much about myself in the short hour.

My gym comfort zone has needed a revamp for quite some time, I need to add more into my fitness schedule and start growing again.  I’ve added in yoga to my regular lifting, but I need the fire back in my belly.

Trying something new has completely put the fire into my belly again!  So I’m going to add in aerial fitness and more TRX training.

I’m so happy I jumped out of my comfort zone.

My comfort zone makes me happy, makes me feel safe – I have very antisocial personality traits.  Lately I have been very focused on breaking down my comfort zone walls, I am the product of an alcoholic parent.  I have most of the traits of a child of an alcoholic, I have an extreme fear of rejection and abandonment.

The chronic stress of growing up in a chaotic and unpredictable environment, have caused me to crave complete control over my surroundings.  I have anxiety run over from when I was constantly worrying about my home situation.

These traits have caused me to overly control the controllable areas of my life, like the gym.  As I have said before the gym is my safe place, so it was an easy to control area.  It has been a long time since I even thought about switching up my workout, even when I get burnt out I still kept going – like the energizer bunny.

I stayed in program and gym that had such a negative impact on me – FOR WAY TOO LONG.  My traits of coming from a broken home, give me a hard shell that stays in a negative environment/relationship too long.  This year I have been focusing on turning this around and enjoying change, embracing change.

But…….. today…

Today, I flew!

Onward and Upward!

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