It takes 21 days to make a habit, 21 days left in July… Perfect match!

When your day is long

And the night

The night is yours alone

When you’re sure you’ve had enough

Of this life

Well hang on

Don’t let yourself go

‘Cause everybody cries

And everybody hurts sometimes


Do you ever see a post that just rubs you the wrong way and you can’t shake it; it just hangs there.  It’s been stuck singing in my brain since Saturday.  Over and over.  Like a chorus line to your least favorite song.

-Because what else does a spoonie wear more than pjs?! #spoonieuniform #butyoudontlooksick

Spoonie and Spoonie friendly social media posts have given way to the freedom of sharing pity parties, exploring negativity and destroying hope.  I follow many of these people/groups and I must say their feeds have me depressed, stressed and disheartened at times – I feel more like an outsider within my own chronic groups.

Instead of focusing on the positives we are attached to the negatives.  Yes, chronic illnesses blow!  But Lupus has taken NOTHING away from me.  What it has given me, on the other hand; is strength, a voice to help and perseverance to be more than my disease.

Like R.E.M points out – everybody cries…. And everybody hurts sometimes….

Why is social media so negatively focused?  Why do followers and posters use the medium to “be honest” and as a “sounding board” for how they feel?  I saw a post that said I am only truly honest with you all here on IG… you are my safe space…

I eerily link the treatment and negativity of these pages to proana pages.  Promoting the negative feels and dumping the downers instead of focusing on the good.  What we can do.

I know I have said this before, but the spoonie movement is one that I just completely do not stand behind; maybe this is why I am so harsh.

So… today and the rest of this month, I am going to find something positive for the day within in relation to my disease.  21 days to make a habit, right?!

Here it goes.

Negative free zone!!

My Lupus has helped me see how truly strong I am, yes there have been moments where it has defeated me; but I always pick myself up – dust off – start fresh.

I work fulltime, workout 5 days a week, teach a PT econ class, go to school (finishing a PhD), run a household, take care of my 2 beautiful pooches and play.  Lupus hasn’t taken anything away from me, in fact it has provided me with insight as to who I really am and what I really can accomplish.

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